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Handmade Paper
Your paper starts with a plant. It could be a garden plant, an invasive species near the local river, or the leftover corn husks from the local farm stand. The leaves or stems pass through a process that can last a year and a half or more, and comprises dozens of steps. When the paper finally emerges, in very small batches, it is precious.
Plant to paper:
Hand harvest. Prepare for cooking.
Cook outdoors in giant vat, then rinse.
Dry and store fiber. Later, soak to rehydrate.
Macerate/beat. Bleach. Rinse.
Prepare vat and form paper.
Press paper.
Move wet paper to dryer. Dry.
Inspect, trim, grade.
frames for large paper
frames for large paper
These are our fibers:
Siberian Iris / Iris siberica
Eulalia / Miscanthus sinensis
Corn / Zea mays
Itadori (Japanese Knotweed) / Fallopia japonica
Daylily / Hemerocallis
Milkweed / Asclepias syriaca
Common Reed / Phragmites australis
Cattail / Typha latifolia
Yellow Flag Iris / Iris pseudacorus
Hemp / Cannabis sativa
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